You will not be Disgraced….

Life would have thrown some stones at you and would have left you bruised. The wounds have healed but the scars still lingers. Scars reminds you of your bruises and all the pain you had encountered. It talks about the disgrace that it had brought on your self and the pain you had undergone. Well, this is only the bad side of it. If you ponder deeper,scars are not ugly, instead they remind you of your beautiful strong heart. It portrays that with God’s help you have made it thus far. It reminiscences your positive outcomes from those days.

You may think, well its 2020 and I see nothing has changed. Where am I going? What will be my new thing? What am I waiting for? What gives me joy? Will I be put to shame when people see that my life is going mundane? Will I be disgraced? Am sure that all these questions would peep now and then in your heart. But look at the examples from the bible; Joseph was disgraced, but God removed it later and set him on high. Ruth lost her husband and came to a foreign land and God rolled away her widowly reproach and gave her a new life. David was disgraced by Saul and was chased out of the palace, but God removed his disgrace and set him on the throne forever. Job was disgraced by his friends but God gave him a double for trouble.

If God can remove the reproach of those people, can he not do for you? The word of the Lord says in Isaiah 50:7, “Because the sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint and I know I will not be put to shame”! Amen!

My dear friends, there is always a purpose that God lets things happen in your life and you will realize it later. Hence stand firmly with faith and set your face like flint that God will set you on high very soon! The people who would have smirked at you shaking their heads thinking that you will never get great blessings, are going to stand there in a daze when they see the magnitude of blessings coming your way! Put a smile on your face, get up and keep going! Goodness and mercy is going to follow you! You will not be disgraced! You will do well! Amen! God Bless You!


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