Reckoning of our Faith

In the days of Jesus, there was a wedding at a place called Cana in Galilee. The wedding invites were given to Jesus, his disciples and also to his Mother(Mary) and they were present for the celebration(John 2: 1 to 12).

And it happened as like in most of the weddings, a wedding trouble. The trouble was, the wine ran out very soon even before many of the guests had drunk it freely. Mary informs to Jesus that they have no wine. Same like us, when we face troubles in our lives, we intimate it to God quoting it in all the possible methods we can.

Now we are waiting for the reply from heaven. The reply that Mary received and the type of waiting we encounter for our requests seems similar. But do you know what Jesus answered Mary when she informed him the deficit? He said, “Woman,what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come”.Am not sure what Mary would have felt to receive such an answer. If I was in Mary’s place, I would have got offended and walked away with a troubled heart. This is the reality. We get upset and sulk away when we do not receive our miracles. We live in with a bad attitude of fretting that God is not listening. We stop praying and believing that the best is yet to come. We go out throughout the day with a grumpy face, passing that bad vibration to all those who are around.

But the surprising fact is the reaction of Mary. Immediately,she said to the servants “Do whatever he tells you”. How amazing is that! She could have walked off offended. She could have questioned back Jesus on why he said like that. Surely there would have been lot of guests and disciples around to have heard this. She could have felt bad or she could have scolded him. She did not even try to explain back to him the consequences of how the event will proceed without the wine.

What was it that Mary had which we lack? It’s the mixture of a good attitude and faith. In spite of a sharp reply from Jesus, instead of showing her face, she reacted in a good manner. She believed that Jesus had the power to do anything and with the immense faith she had on him, she gives a command to the servants to do what he tells.

The result of her faith in action was the miracle of water turning into wine. Jesus then asks the servants to fill the gallons with water and when they drew it out, it turned into wine.

The manifestation of the glory of Jesus happened only after the faith was put into action. Mary was sure to take on the test from Jesus with a good attitude and faith. She passed the test and went home with a miracle.

It should be the same with us, my dear brothers and sisters. Maintaining a good attitude while waiting for our miracle with a mixture of faith is significant. God often reinforces our faith only after we trust him, only after we acknowledge his provision for our supplies. When we do this, the miracle will be performed in excellence,that its manifestation will be known to everyone making them wonder. As how it happened with the master of the feast that after tasting the new wine, he was astonished as to the groom’s family serving the best wine for the last.

Hence remember in your walk of life, when your prayer petitions are in queue, “Faith in Action+Good Attitude=Miracle”! Amen! God Bless You!


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